Projects Portfolio

  • Lost Trail Conservation Area

    Marion, MT

    2,428 Acres


    Riverfront, creekfront and lakefront rec ranch abutting a national wildlife reserve

    AVSO/US-FWS Yellow Book engagement

  • Granite Canyon LEX

    Teton Village, WY

    Two 10-Acre Tracts

    National Park Inholdings

    Before & After analyses for a contemplated partial land exchange

    AVSO/NPS Yellow Book engagement

  • Little Deschutes River Ranch

    La Pine, OR

    655 Acres

    Riverfront and creekfront rec ranch, abutting BLM lands and a golf course

    Land trust engagement

  • Annie Creek Wilderness Inholding

    Stibnite, ID

    94 Acres

    Frank Church River of No Return Wilderness

    Creekfront wilderness inholding lacking vehicular access

    Land trust engagement

  • Lake McDonald Homesite

    West Glacier, MT

    0.52 Acres

    Glacier National Park Inholding

    Lakefront and creek-fronting homesite on Lake McDonald

    AVSO/NPS Yellow Book engagement

  • Middle Yakima River Canyon Ranch

    Ellensburg, WA

    647 Acres

    State and BLM Inholding

    Rec ranch in three blocks with 3.5 miles of effective river frontage

    AVSO/BLM Yellow Book engagement

  • Table Rock Roadway Vacation

    Boise, ID

    96.915 Acres

    Boise Front Foothills

    Estate homesites with downtown views

    Private engagement

  • S.F. Willow Creek Landlocked

    Avimor, ID

    320 Acres

    Boise Front Foothills

    Recreational ranch abutting BLM and the Avimor planned community

    AVSO/BLM Yellow Book engagement

  • Hat Creek Inholding

    Salmon, ID

    240 Acres

    Hat Creek drainage of the Salmon Mountain Range

    Before & after analysis to ascertain contribution of water rights

    State Agency engagement

  • Tex Creek Wildlife Management Area

    Idaho Falls, ID

    3.,488.79 Acres

    Willow Creek Canyon with 7 miles of frontage on the Tex Creek WMA

    Rec ranch abutting a state and federal WMA, overlooking the Ririe Reservoir

    AVSO/BLM Yellow Book engagement

  • Boise MSA Multifamily Portfolio

    Meridian, ID

    Multiple Complexes

    Suburban duplex and fourplex ownerships

    Estate tax engagement

  • Sand Creek Wildlife Management Area

    Ashton, ID

    2,356.36 Acres

    State and BLM Inholding

    Located between the Sand Creek WMA and Henry's Fork Snake River

    AVSO/BLM Yellow Book engagement

  • Teton Valley Timberlands

    Victor, ID

    250.54 Acres

    Southwest Teton Valley foothills

    Timbered rec ranch

    Estate tax engagement

  • Southwest Idaho Storage

    Midvale, ID

    6.323 Acres

    Multi-phased, highway-fronting

    Rural self-storage

    Estate tax engagement

  • Regional Chain Restuarant

    Twin Falls, ID

    0.956 Acres

    3,909 SF, built 1994

    Single-tenant leased

    Estate tax engagement

  • South Fork Snake River CE

    Ririe, ID

    906.884 Acres

    Antelope Flats on the South Fork Snake River

    Riverfront rec ranch in multiple larger parcels for contemplated partial fee acquisition, partial CE encumbrance

    AVSO/BLM Yellow Book engagement

  • Upper Mann Creek Sharptail Grouse Preserve

    Weiser, ID

    390 Acres

    Surrounded by the Columbian Sharptail Grouse Area of Critical Environmental Concern (ACEC)

    Two BLM inholdings, one surrounding a reservoir

    AVSO/BLM Yellow Book engagement

  • Lewis & Clark 13-Mile Camp

    Powell, ID

    637.12 Acres

    USFS inholding

    Located in the Upper Lochsa drainage, on the Lolo Motorway, and the Lewis & Clark / Nez Perce Trail

    USFS Yellow Book engagement

  • Panther Creek - Sawmill Gulch

    Cobalt, ID

    454.70 Acres

    Salmon-Challis National Forest Inholding

    Timbered and creekfront ec ranch

    USFS Yellow Book engagement

  • Northwest Boise MF Infill Site

    Boise, ID

    1.9 Acres

    Phase two site of an infill high-density multifamily project

    Suburban apartments

    Private engagement

  • Frank Church Wilderness Inholding

    Mackay Bar, ID

    38.784 Acres

    Surprise Lodes 4 and 6, Warren Mining District

    Boat-in/pack-in/fly-in back-country rec ranch

    USFS Yellow Book engagement

  • Hailey Rec Ranch

    Hailey, ID

    158.376 Acres

    One of the few remaining sizeable infill development sites in the Wood River Valley

    Rec ranch

    Estate tax engagement

  • Boise Front Rec Ranch

    Boise, ID

    3,880 Acres

    Two blocks in Ada and Boise Counties

    Rec ranch with downtown Boise skyline views

    Periodic trust lands asset monitoring engagement

  • Middle Fork Clearwater Wild & Scenic Corridor

    Syringa, ID

    101.8 Acres

    USFS quasi-inholding

    Bridge and boat-only access on the Middle Fork Clearwater, a designated Wild & Scenic River corridor

    Estate tax engagement

  • Upper Salmon River Inholding

    Lower Stanley, ID

    498.49 Acres

    Salmon-Challis National Forest Inholding

    Timbered, riverfront and in-town rec ranch

    Lending engagement

  • Danskin Mountains Rec Ranch

    Hill City, ID

    2,695.04 Acres

    Mix of timbered hillsides and native mountain range in 67 individual tax lots

    Highly-improved hunting ranch

    Lending engagement

  • Lower Selway River Inholding

    Lowell, ID

    154.9 Acres

    Timbered riverfront tracts with favorable road access and proximity to a U.S. highway

    Rec ranch with abutting state and federal lands, Wild & Scenic River corridor

    Land trust engagement

  • Upper Salmon Rec Ranch

    Salmon, ID

    1,064.651 Acres

    Upper Salmon River at Hat Creek

    Rec ranch with abutting BLM

    Land trust engagement

  • Bear River - North Ranch CE

    Border Junction, WY

    1,572.60 Acres

    Abuts State and BLM lands, as well as a BLM Wilderness Study Area

    Rec ranch with Bear River frontage

    AVSO/FWS Yellow Book engagement

  • Bear River - South Ranch CE

    Cokeville, WY

    653.31 Acres

    Abuts USFWS and BLM lands

    Rec ranch with Bear River frontage

    AVSO/FWS Yellow Book engagement